Becoming an Adult

Alyssa Walker

    There are many factors to becoming an adult. Complete independence, maturity, and letting habits or things go all contribute to the passing from adolescence to adulthood.

    Part of being an adult is being able to be dependent on yourself. Being completely independent means to pay for your own necessities such as; food, toiletries, bills, and housing. You must have a job in order to pay for your own necessities. Having a job is another big part of being an adult. Once you have a job you can start becoming less dependent on others. Also, having your own home or at least not with parents/guardians. This is important because, if you are still living with your family it means they are probably paying for you in some way or that you are dependent on them. If you live on your own or with a room mate/partner you are much more independent than you would be with your parents. Emotions are another factor of being independent. While everyone will need advice from time to time, adults should be able to work through many of their problems by themselves. Whether these problems are at work, with friends, or with partners, most of them should be solved by oneself. Complete independence is just one of the factors of being an adult.

    Carrying oneself with a sense of maturity is an important part of adulthood. If one uses childish ways to reason, communicate, and act, they are not portraying themselves as an adult. As an adult one should act, speak, and reason as an adult. Behaving in a polite and sensible manner is important while trying to get a job and making relationships, as is speech. If a person uses a childish vocabulary while at an interview the interviewer will not sense a very high level of maturity. Being reasonable is also very important. With adulthood comes with many more stressors than adolescence and adults must face these stressors with an open mind and sensible manner. You can't throw a fit when something doesn't go your way as an adult. Being mature is one of the many steps to being an adult.

    Part of growing up is getting rid of our childish hobbies or objects. Sucking our thumbs, being rocked in rocking chairs, and being fed, are all things we must give up as we grow. Some things we won't want to give up, like nap time, but it is a necessary process in life. Even things we do in our adolescence must be given up. Whether it be goofing off all the time or being lazy or not doing any chores. There are things all of us must give up in order to pass from being an adolescent to an adult. Letting things go is an important process that must be done in every aspect of life. Even in adulthood people must give things up. Jobs, friends, or pets, at every point of our lives we must give things up. Part of growing up is learning to let these things go.

    Overall, there is not just one property to being an adult. You don't just magically become one the minute you turn 18. Although, in some respects at 18 you are an adult, this does not mean you are fully one. Being able to be dependent on yourself, so that someday others may be dependent on you, maturity, and letting things go all contribute to being an adult. While growing up may be hard we learn to deal with the hardships with the maturity, and knowledge that comes with age.

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